Yes, I met a lovely ladies who was wearing a red scarf just like the above. She was so kind as to tell me how she wrapped it about her neck. She also divulged she had gotten it at a craft sale and was hoping to find another in teal. She inspired me to create this one! I don't know if she'll find her way to my blog, but just in case she does... Hi Sweet Lady! I made this for you!
Don't you love it? These are now available in my Kozies Shop... for the adult in your life. Many colors to choose from. These are the colors the manufacturer offers:
If you would like to order one, please email me ( and tell me your color choice. I will check the local stores to see if I can get that color. Turnaround is approximately one week from the time you place your order. I look forward to creating a Frilly Scarf for someone you love! (Please note, they are not 100% US-grown cotton.)
Blessings, *Ü* Kairyn